Saturday, October 26, 2013

Close Encounter....

of the moose kind!

I went for a hike and saw these two.  Supposedly there was also a baby somewhere near the mom (or is that the baby and the mom is missing).  The bull was about 2 miles away from them standing on the trail. He wasn't very nice by not letting me get a good picture (he ran off into the brush when he heard me approach).

A few of this plant (not sure what it is, but I like the looks of it in the sun)

This next one is from 16 Oct, I forgot about taking this after my morning training run:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A few more from 50k

This was just as we crossed into the 'off-limits' portion of the island:

Another shot further along the west side of island:

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Antelope Island 50k

So, I decided to run a 50k (for those of us who use english distances, that's 31 miles).  The reason:  it went to parts of the west side of Antelope Island that the public is not generally allowed to go visit.  There were some bison and antelope, but not many today.
Since I was running, Mark let me borrow the little point and shoot olympus.  It did it's job and was lighter weight than my Nikon.

Prior to the race:

Elephant Head.  Picture was at about the 7.5 mile mark, looking north.  We had crossed over it at about the 5-6 mile mark then went down into the valley.  I now realize why it's named Elephant Head:

8 shot pano of the valley.  this is the area that is normally off-limits.  It was a 1000' climb from the bottom to the top (pic was taken just shy of the crest):

All-in-all a good day.  Wonderful race and volunteers.  Perfect wx.  I even beat my goal time, despite breaking a finger near the 10 mile mark.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Colors

I haven't figured out if it's going to be a spectacular show or not.  Everything seems muted, but there are patches of bright here and there.

Monday, October 7, 2013

White Rock Bay

Pano from across the bay:

I'll be running around this in two weeks.  Run starts in lower left, goes over the hill on the left, then down and around the valley towards middle of picture and over/around the hills on the far right of the island.  We'll then come back around on the east side of island.

Antelope Island

Sunday, October 6, 2013