Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tracy Aviary

After a wonderful lunch in SLC, we went to Tracy Aviary to see more birds.

Andy the Andean Condor.  He was one big bird!  He started out perched on a log at ground level, then decided to hop/fly to a higher vantage point to check us out.  


I think this was a saffron warbler:

Baby flamingo:

Some adults:

Scarlet Ibis:

Bear River

It was a day of perseverance.  I wanted to show off Bear River Wild Bird Refuge to Rita and see the swans which have started to arrive in mass.  Only, we couldn't find any.  Saw lots of coots, duck and grebes, as well as some harriers, hawks and even golden eagles.

Pied-bill grebe:

Finally, I found a dirt road that is normally closed and we found where the swans were hiding in a resting area way to the north of the refuge!

Sunday, November 3, 2013


 It looks like a recent upgrade to my Nik software now has options for making photos look like vintage cameras.  This could be interesting...

Some Birds


Swans:  Good thing I wasn't in plane, they seemed to be at the altitude that SLC likes for VFR crossing of the Class B airspace.

Eagle:  Winter must be on it's way, the eagles are starting to arrive back.