Thursday, January 31, 2013


It's been a while since I've done any landscapes.  Sunset tonite was wonderful, just the right amount of clouds and no pollution!

 there was no color manipulation in the last two...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Few More

So it snowed today...the birds were eating my seed so I got this guy.

I did have to crop a bit and the ISO was high given the dark background.

Another "Fire Within" Shot:

Friday, January 25, 2013


So I can't tell if he's a Downy or Hairy, since I can't see the tail.  But there's no cropping on these, taken  from my open kitchen window.  BTW:  That's ice, not water....

The Fire Within

So this week's theme is the fire within:

Using this fire:

Creates a lot of fire with this:

I have a few more ideas...they will come later

Monday, January 21, 2013

Things are Looking Up

This week's theme is Things are Looking Up.

The owl from Sat was a good catch of him looking up, but here are some others:

I overcooked the eggs (these are chicken, not the duck)

Sunny-side up (well, sort of)

Up we go!

The clouds were looking up through the haze:

Some random shots

Shots from the weekend....

Antelope on Antelope Island


I saw this guy on the wire and waited for over 5 minutes to try to catch him flying...he didn't.  This is cropped, but not a bad shot:


Given the smog we have in the valley, I drove east about 1.5hrs to the National Forest (and blue skies):

Stand of trees

Footprints in snow

On Sat, driving home, I saw an owl fly up with it's catch.  I got to watch him eat it.  The he glared at me for watching!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Seeing Red

The Weekly shoot for 10-17 Jan is "Seeing Red".  At first I couldn't come up with anything...then I saw the monster!

Then I realized I was making lamb and garbanzo bean stew wine!

12 Jan 12

Some photos from today...

Steller's Jay:  What a beautiful bird...I've got a pair of them hanging around the feeders and trees in my yard.

a shot from Antelope Island:

Driving home, I saw a bird flying toward a post...then as it landed realized it was an owl.  I've started to recognize their flight patterns...he was pretty patient as I approached in car and rolled down window.

Finally...given i had probably 2 feet of snow in the last two days:

It was interesting to see the snow falling over like it was yet staying up!

None of these are my theme of the week...'Red', so standby for another post once i figure that one out.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Downy Woodpecker

Found this guy as well today.  I cropped slightly, but he was pretty intent on getting food.


I found moose today (or is it meese???)!  Went snowshoeing up in North Fork Park.  I had heard that they could be found there occasionally.  As I got to top, I started seeing evidence of some large animal, as I came down the female bolted across my path...

then slowed down to munch on some bushes.  I was able to backtrack up trail and get these...

Then further down the path, I saw the bull down the valley from the path...I got as close as I cropping on any of these shots used my 300mm (effectively 450mm on DX camera)

Did I mention...I like my snowshoes!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year Resolution

This year my Theme is the Nikon Cafe Collective Shoot.  Each week, usually Thurs-Thurs, someone chooses a theme to shoot.  I usually only participate when I'm interested in the subject.  This year, to challenge myself, I'm going to do all of them.  So let the fun begin:

Week #1 (3-10 Jan 13):  New Year's Resolution

Fly More:  (Mark was flying, not me...)

 Go Bird watching more:

Pick up a new hobby:

There's a few more, just haven't gotten around to the photo yet...